- "[Sospiri Ardenti] intonieren sehr feinfühlig, lassen die Töne fast zerbrechlich wirken und geben sich der Gefühligkeit der alten Musik hin..." -- "[Sospiri Ardenti's] sensitive precision brings out the delicacy, even vulnerability of the music as they immerse themselves in early music's emotional world..." -- Opernnetz.de (Shakespeare program, Sendesaal Frankfurt-Hessischer Rundfunk) (read more)
- "Das alles wirkt so zart, so innig..." -- "Everything they play takes on a tender and heartfelt quality..." -- Opernnetz.de (Shakespeare program, Sendesaal Frankfurt-Hessischer Rundfunk) (read more)
- "Das äußerst aufmerksame Publikum der hr-Lunchkonzerte folgt mit großer Sympathie und spendet herzlichen Applaus" -- "The audience sat in rapt attention and congratulated the ensemble with heartfelt applause." -- Opernnetz.de (Shakespeare program, Sendesaal Frankfurt-Hessischer Rundfunk) (read more)
- "Julie Comparini singt mit hell schwebendem, klangreinem Mezzo, wird ergänzt durch den wunderbar klaren Sopran Ellen Delahantys" -- "Julie Comparini sings with a bright, pure mezzo voice which complements Ellen Delahanty's wonderfully clear soprano..." -- Opernnetz.de (Shakespeare program, Sendesaal Frankfurt-Hessischer Rundfunk) (read more)
- "... an exceptionally lovely and sophisticated performance entitled “Love and Magic in Shakespeare.” In particular the fine balance between the music and the vocal and dramatic elements provided the audience an enriching and exciting show with Shakespeare as the leitmotif…" - Stefaan Guilliams, BOZAR Brussels (read more)
- "During the performance, the public remained as still as a mouse. The story and music had a direct grip on the hearts of the children; some of whom were clearly moved emotionally... It is also a unique work, ... enjoyed equally by children and adults..." - Frank Schaffels, Kasteelconcerten Malle (read more)
- "Burning, and full of passion, as their name suggests, Sospiri Ardenti brought a tantalizing performance for the Flanders Festival - De Beiaard (read more)
- "Atmospheric instrumental music was interspersed with touching vocal and dramatic intermezzi ...a big hit." - De Beiaard (read more)
- "Lots of delicacy and atmosphere, their interpretations were utterly convincing in both style and taste." - La semaine d'Anvers (read more)